Configuring Twilio for SMS Notifications

Our integration with Twilio uses the messaging services feature that is easily customised and compliant with local regulations in specific countries.

Create a new Messaging Service in Twilio.

To get started, create a Twilio account if you still need to. Switch to the 'Develop' tab on the right sidebar when logged in. Click Explore Products + and pin Messaging Service if it needs to be visible.

Once signed in, expand the Develop menu and click on Services. Next, click on Create Messaging Service.

You are now presented with the setup wizard, which will guide you through configuring the messaging service:

Step 1: Name your service and select 'Notify my users' on the use case dropdown.

Step 2: Add senders from your sender pool. You will need to add a phone number and an alphanumeric sender. Learn more about alphanumeric sender IDs and which countries support them here.

Step 3: Next, you will be asked to configure an integration. Select 'Drop the message' under Incoming Messages, and leave everything with the default configuration.

Step 4: If you require sending more than 1 million messages daily, you must configure a business profile. However, this is optional in most use cases, so we recommend ignoring it.

Finally, click on Complete Messaging Service Setup, and when prompted, click View my new Messaging Service.

🥳 Congratulations! You have now configured a new messaging service. On the screen, you will see a Messaging SID; copy this to configure with Sorry™ in the next section.

Configuring your Sorry™ status page

Head to the Sorry™ management UI and select the status page you want to configure with Twilio.

Click the cog icon to open the side menu and navigate to Message Distribution -> Publish to SMS.

Next, in the Twilio box, add your Account SID, Auth Token and Messaging Service ID from Twilio. To obtain your Account SID and auth token, head to the main Twilio console page, and the details are there under Account Info.

Finally, click on Connect to Twilio. 🥳 Success! Your status page will now send notifications via SMS using Twilio's messaging service.

Migrating to the new Messaging Service configuration

Suppose your status page is already configured with Twilio and needs to be migrated to the messaging service. In that case, you must follow the above steps to create a new messaging service.

Your publish configuration should look like the following, and the messaging service should be defined as Empty. Click on the pencil icon to edit this field, paste in the SID from Twilio, and click on save. Your status page will now use the new messaging service.

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