How to use Microsoft oAuth for Status Page Privacy
Getting Ready
- Head to Page Settings > Privacy > and Toggle the Private option
- Choose Microsoft and copy the Redirect URI
- Open the Azure Portal
Step 1 - Azure Active Directory & App Registration
Once logged into the Azure portal, then open up Azure Active Directory > App Registrations and choose + New Registration
Step 2 - Give your App registration the same name as your Status Page and copy in the Redirect URI from your Sorry Privacy settings.
Tip "Leave the asupport account type in the default Single Tenant selected"
Step 3 - Copy your new Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID from Microsoft and paste these into your Sorry Privacy Settings
Step 4 - Add a Client Credentials secrect
"This can be done by either using the Add a certifctae or secret or Certifates and secrets from the menu."
Give the Secret a name and choose24 months as the expiry time.
Copy the Value from the new secret and paste this into your Sorry Privacy settings.