Status page theme updates

Announcing new updates that are now live with the new status page theme.

July 7th 2022

It's been a busy time for us since initially making the new theme available to customers but we're excited to announce some updates that are now live with the new theme.

Updated footer

We've made a design change to how the previous footer was displayed. It now looks similar to the header with the shadow but now has:

  • Copyright and year
  • Terms and Privacy
  • Social icons
  • Contact details
  • Powered by

Component columns

If your page only has 1 or 2 components, we've made a change so that they are displayed either in 1 or 2 columns. This makes for a better user experience.

2 components in 2 column format

Custom status names

If you change the names of the notice states (e.g. Identified, Investigating, Recovering etc.) within the 'Content' settings, these are now reflected on the status page and in notifications.

Custom states

Impacted services appear top of the grid

Customers with multi-service enabled can now see any impacted services that will now float to the top of the grid making it much easier for users to see what services are currently experiencing issues.

German translations updated

We have made improvements to the German translations. Thank you to our customers who continue to help us improve our translations.

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