Filter Status Page History

We have added the ability to filter the notices displayed on a status page history by type and tag using the  filter query string parameter like you can on the Status API. 

Filtering between notice type
You can apply these filter examples to any Status Page powered by Sorry™:
  • Incidents -  /history?filter[type_eq]=unplanned
  • Maintenance - /history?filter[type_eq]=planned
  • General* - /history?filter[type_eq]=general

Filter between notice tags*
We are using this immediately, combined with our  recent announcement of general notices, to create dedicated changelogs.
See our new changelog tags as an example:

* General Notices are Notice Tags are both prototype features currently in development

We plan to expand on this in future by adding some UI to the history page that allows your audience to apply these filters themselves, but for now, it is something that you can only do through the URL.
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