Installing our Intercom Messenger App

1. Install us from the app store

The first step is to find us on the Intercom App Store, we're listed under 'conversation management' and 'issue tracking'. Once you've found us, click 'Install'. (Nothing will appear in your messenger until step 3)

2. Authorise with Intercom and Sorry™

You'll now be asked to link your Sorry™ account with Intercom, if you're not already signed in to both platforms you'll be asked to do so.

Once authorised you'll be taken back to the app store.

3. Add to your home screen

Now the messenger app is installed, you can add it to your home screen, so the latest from your status page will be displayed to your visitors. (or just your signed in customers)

From the Intercom UI; find the 'Messenger' section on the left hand side, and follow the process to "Add messenger home apps".

You'll now see "Sorry™ Status Page" listed as something you can add to the messenger home screen.

If you have multiple status pages, you'll be asked during this step to choose which status page you want to display, or default to your only one.

4. Save and set live

Once "Save and set live" is pressed, you're all done. The latest from your status page will now appear in the Intercom Messenger.

A note on the Intercom App Permissions 

We have used the bare minimum required by the intercom app framework, we've had a chat with Intercom about making enforced permissions more granular based on the location of apps and hope to see progress on this in the future. 

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